All posts filed under: Places

SOMOS LATINOS: Mis Escuela / My School

Christopher’s parents came from Central America. His father from El Salvador, his mother from Guatemala. He goes to the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in Los Angeles. We meet his friends, teachers, and principal. For the harvest festival the entire school, both students and teachers, gets dressed up in costumes.

SOMOS LATINOS: Mis Barrio / My Neighborhood

There are many neighborhoods where Spanish is spoken in the homes, on the streets, in the stores, and in the schools. We visit Marc Anthony’s barrio in Brooklyn, New York. His parents came from Puerto Rico and he takes us to see the murals, the stores, the subway and the people of his neighborhood.

SOMOS LATINOS: Mis Casa / My House

Araceli lives in a house on a ranch in Oregon where her parents are raising goats, calves and chickens in the barn. There’s a lot of work to be done from morning to night. Besides doing her homework after school she feeds the calves and collects eggs from the chickens. Her sisters Alejandra, Marina, Daisy, and her brother Armando Jr. work to help their parents who came from Mexico.

Murals: Walls That Sing

A book of murals from the cave paintings; to colonial church murals; to the masterpieces of Diego Rivera, Orozco and other Mexican masters; to the singing walls in American cities; and graffiti. Communities express their cultures, issues, and histories on their neighborhood walls. 

Cuban Kids

George Ancona first went to Cuba in 1957 when the revolution by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara was already under way. Forty years later he returns to capture on film the ways in which Cuba has changed since his last visit. What results is a timely and remarkable photo-study of the children of Cuba.

Our Adobe House

After producing the book, Spanish Pioneers of the Southwest, George and Helga Ancona decided to move to New Mexico. After two years they found the land they liked and decided to build a house with traditional adobe walls. The book follows the construction process from blue prints to the finished building.

Barrio: José’s Neighborhood

José’s neighborhood is the Mission District in San Francisco. The book shows the blending of cultures such as Halloween becoming the Day of the Dead which is celebrated in schools, stores, and homes. It is a community that sings out it’s cultures and histories with murals, festivals. gardens, foods, holidays and birthday parties. 

In City Gardens

In San Francisco an organization called SLUG, the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, find vacant lots in the midst of the city and plant gardens filled with flowers and vegetables. The book shows how the children with the guidance of their elders, plant, weed, harvest and eat, the fruits of their labor.

The Aquarium Book

Sharks and sea stars…luminous sea anemones…brilliantly colored fish from tropical waters. At an aquarium, you can feast your eyes on the strangest and most beautiful denizens of Earth’s oceans and seas.

Cowboys: Roundup on an American Ranch

Two brothers, Leandro and Colter, help their father in the spring roundup of cattle on their ranch in the Southwest. For two weeks the boys join the cowboys rounding up the cattle and newborn calves for branding and shipping. 

Handtalk School

Come visit our school! Some children take the bus to this school for deaf children; many others live there in the dormitory, a home away from home complete with house parents. But readers need only open the pages of Handtalk School to spend a school day with a group of residential students involved in the fun of putting on the Thanksgiving play.

Pioneer Settlers of New France

For Jean François Lelange and Pierre André, the summer of 1744 is one they will long remember. As Jean waits for his uncle’s merchant ships to return with much-needed supplies, Pierre worries that his father, a fishing proprietor, has no food to give his hungry fishermen. Has France really gone to war against the British, as rumored?